
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Journal #7

 Hi everyone!      It was quite challenging to find a teacher page without attending the school or being a parent. I was able to find a website that had a preview of what the teacher site should consist of. I found it super helpful for parents and students as it had the bell schedule on it (lunches, subjects, times, etc). Another part of the class page was a bio about the teacher (education, family, etc), which allows parents and students to get to know the teacher on a personal basis. The link to this website is:       In order to accomplish my professional responsibilities, I would use Chat GPT to help me grade multiple choice tests and quizzes for my students. This would help save me a lot of time, since the answer choices are A, B, C, and D and are easier to grade than written responses. For communication, I could have a GroupMe separate for studen...

Blog Journal #6

 Hi everyone!      In my opinion, Diigo allows for great collaboration for individuals sharing ideas, working on projects, and keeping organized. In order to search for findings, Diigo gives you the option to use sticky notes, bookmarks, highlights, etc. It gives you a variety of different options to find things so people can find what they like to use which I think is super smart. One thing I am not necessarily fond of when it comes to Diigo is how the site looks. For example, the font looks older and I feel like the website could definitely be updated.      Blogging is a great tool to use your voice without necessarily posting it on a social media platform. Knowing that you are posting on a blog makes it seem like you are writing in a personal journal which I enjoy. Something I do not like about blogging is how when you type a blog it is displayed on a blank white screen, but after you post it it shows the design that you picked. Blogging has taught ...

Blog Journal #5

 Hi everyone!      My learning experiences with Instagram for my Personal Learning Network has been super beneficial. I have never used Twitter, but I know about it so maybe in the near future I will make a Twitter account as well. Instagram allows me to follow accounts that I have interest in such as educational resources or individuals I admire. I follow a lot of FSU instagram accounts such as best buddies, human development and sciences club, and pre occupational therapy club. By following these accounts, I can stay in the loop of my clubs, listen to announcements, and attend meetings.      The digital divide can negatively impact students and limit what they can learn and have access too. Students who don't have access to reliable internet or technology at home will experience inequality in their ability to do research, complete assignments, and access resources. These students may struggle with homework and won't be able to do assignments that tea...

Blog Journal #4

 Hi everyone!     The standard I chose was under Body of Knowledge: Computer Science and Computer Practices and Programming, "Identify different kinds of data: texts, charts, graphs, numbers, pictures, audio, video, and collection of objects." This benchmark implies that you are able to distinguish among a variety of data that is being displayed in different ways. For example, a chart would be organized with rows/columns that allow the information to be divided. Graphs can have bars that visually show the difference between data sets. Based on my current skill set, I would be able to implement this standard because I have taken certain classes that have given me preparation. In high school and college I took statistics, both of them prepared me for reading data.      The resources can easily be used in my teacher if I am ever stuck on how to present a topic or even for brainstorming a topic to teach. For example, the CPALMS Educator Toolkit provides the sta...